Friday, 30 September 2011

Preliminary Exersize Final Images/Photographs For Contents And Front Cover page

In todays lesson we had to go out and take pictures for the front of our school magazine front covers and for our contents pages. Any pictures we used had to be original and taken by us.

I had to take one photograph for my front cover which will be the main image for the front cover, it will take up most of the front cover and is a picture of a student holding up their exam results. The shot used is a mid shot.
I then took four images for my contents page, each of these pictures will be anchored to a story, the first picture i took was of the revison material (folders, paper, pens)it looks chaotic, to reflect the key years when pupils have exams and to reflect what they feel mentally. It was a close up of the materials so will be achored to the article about revision tips, the second picture i took was of the media room, this image will anchor the story about the new media facilities and the shot used was a medium long shot. The third image I took was of the map of the world on the wall and the two pupils pointing at different places on the map. This image will anchor the article about the trips and "globetrotters". This image was a two shot that was taken at a medium long/long shot.The final image i took for my contents page was a group mid shot of three people holding exam results, this is to anchor to the story about this years exam results and the big successes.

This is the image for my front cover.

This is the image for the contents page that will anchor the revision tips article.

This is the image for the contents page that will anchor the story about the new media facilties.

This is the image for the contents page that will anchor the story about the "globetrotting".

This is the final image for the contents page that will anchor the story about this years exam results.

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