Monday 23 April 2012

Thursday 22 March 2012

Monday 19 March 2012

Sunday 18 March 2012

Preliminary Exercise Front Cover

This is my preliminary exercise front cover
I made this on Adobe Photoshop.

Prelimary Exercise Contents Page

This is my final piece of my contents page for my preliminary exercsie.
I made it on Quark XPress

Saturday 17 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

This is question 1 on the evaluation. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I did this on Slideshare

Thursday 8 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3 on the evaluation was what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I did this question on  SlideRocket
Here it is:

Monday 5 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4

Question 4 on the evaluation was Who would be the audience for your media product?

I did the answer to question 4 on Xtranormal

question 4
by: lilygray01

This is an example of what people whom are in my target audience may wear and look like :

And here is examples of what they may wear:
Band tees
Skinny Jeans

Here are two examples of what people who will read my magzine will listen to:

Sunday 4 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5

Question 5 on the evaluation was: how did you attract/address the audience for your media product
I did this question on Prezi and individual Prezi's for each media product that i produced

This is my Prezi that I made for my front cover:

This is the Prezi I made for my contents page:

This is the Prezi I made for my double page spread:

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Evaulation Question 7

Question 7 on the evaluation was: looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product.
I answered this question on slideshare

Friday 27 January 2012

Audience Feedback

I asked members of my target audience on social networking sites to tell me what they liked and disliked about my Final pieces.

For my contents page I asked Gemma Kenny,
 a 17 year old female,who goes to college and studies Psychology, English Language, Film Studies and Media. She also likes rock/punk music and enjoys going to concerts.
Upon seeing my contents page she said "I like the colours and the photos, the photos look very professional and like they should be in a real magazine. I also like the bands that are in the magazine, and the layout of the page is nice, I cant think of anything I don't like about it."

For my double page spread I asked 20 year old Tom Stone, who is a shelf stacker in Tesco. He is in a band so likes going to gigs and he likes heavy rock and punk rock.Upon seeing my double page spread he said ""i like the colour contrast between the pink,white and black, the black background makes the pink and white text jump off the page and catch peoples eyes which draws them in. The font too, its different and stylish to make people want to read on. I love the pictures"

For my Front cover I asked 23 year old waitress Kate Black who enjoys going to gigs and enjoys reading music magazines. Upon seeing my front cover she said " I like the main image as it portrays the genre of rock very well, i also like the title and the effects used to make it bolder and stand out more to the audience. I also like the plus part at the bottom as it seems like when we buy the magazine we are getting more for our money than with other magazines. I would also want to buy this magazine as I like the competition and I like the colour scheme"

I  showed all my three final pieces to two more members of my target audience.

I showed Abbie, a 15 year old student who has a passion for music and reads music magazines weekly. She said "its really good, the contents page in particular  is good because the articles are split up into regulars and features like in professional music magazines. And the double page spread is good because I like the layout and the article and I love the live shots. Its like Kerrang magazine and Rock Sound have had a baby"

I also showed Noah, an 19 year old college student the final piece. He said "I like the contents page more than the front cover and the double page spread, I like the layout of all three and they're all clear. I like the way the contents is divided up which makes it easier on the eyes. I also like how the colour scheme runs through from the front cover to the contents page and the colour scheme of the double page spread is eye catching."

Thursday 26 January 2012

Production Of Double Page Spread

First of all I added my main image and the title and the background colour

Then I added my credits and my standfirst:

I added my article next:

Then I added my drop quotes:

I added my other image on my third page:

Then I added the article

I added my drop quote next:

Then my ending paragraph and my double page spread was complete.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Production Of Contents Page

First of all I used my background colour for my front cover for the background colour of my contents page and then added the title contents and the title:

After this I added my images and the page numbers for the images to anchor them. I did them in a box as I thought it looked neat. I also added the issue number and the issue date.

After this I added my regulars and my subscription details:

I then added my features:

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Production Of My Front Cover

I produced my front cover on Adobe Photoshop, this is the production stage of making my magazine:

I made the title using the text effects, the text effects I used were: Bevel and emboss and stroke. This is my title:
Next I chose the background colour, originally I had wanted a blood red, however this did not look right or fit in with my music genre, so i went for a darker red, almost brown.

Next I added the box at the bottom which was to hold extra bands and stories and a buzz word to entice and encourage the reader to want to buy my magazine.I also added my positioning statement with the text effect of Bevel and emboss. I added this before my image so that my main image would fit in around everything else and I knew what space I had to work with:

Next I added my main image, originally I used a different image however it didnt fit the genre and it ddint look right so I took more pictures and found one with the right attitude and look to be on a rock magzine. The main image is slightly over the masthead however not too much as you can still read what the masthead says:

After this I began to add my coverlines and sublines. At the start they were moved around a fair bit, this was because they didnt look right, I eventually however decided on their placings so it didnt look like there was too much plain space and it didnt look like there was more on one side than the other:

After this i needed to add the issue number, barcode, price and website of the magzine. Originally the barcode was in the top right corner but then I decided that it ddint look right and I couldnt find any other magazine that had this so the issue number went in its place and the barcode went to the bottom right corner:

I then added my main coverline and subline that connects to my main image on the magazine. the coverline also used text effects which were inner shadow, outer glow, satin, bevel and emboss and gradient overlay. I used all these to get the right effect to make the magzine look more professional. the subline used the effects: drop shadown, inner shadow, outer glow and bevel and emboss.

The only thing I had left to do was the fill the gap on the rigfht hand side of the main image. I filled this by outting a competition in its place. This filled the space nicely and completed my magazine front cover.

Friday 20 January 2012

Production- Images Taken For My Front Cover

This is a slideshare containing the images I took for my music magazine front cover

Rough Layout Of Double Page Spread

This is a rough layout of my double page spread. It outlines where everything will be and the fonts and sizes I will be using.

Rough layout Of Contents Page

This is a rough layout of my contents page that I did on A4 paper. It outlines the fonts and sizes I am going to use and where everything will be placed.

Rough Layout Of Front Cover

This is a rough layout for my front cover that I did on a4 paper. It outlines my plans for my magazine along with colours and sizes of fonts.